We are pleased to announce that Venag company has completed a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project under the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme.


Project titile: “Increasing social responsibility of Venag company by implementing new manufacturing technology, minimalizing the influence of company’s activity on the environment.”


Project scope: the project i involves the implementation of enterprise procedures and technologies that contribute to reducing the consumption of natural resources, reducing the amount of waste, energy required to process and transport them, and also increasing the social involvement of the company.

Project objectives: The project aims to develop and implement a CSR strategy and environmental policy within the company, as well as to employ actions resulting in preserving the natural environment by introducing the latest technology in the production process.

The benefits associated with the project:

1) limiting the consumption of raw materials;

2) reduction of energy consumption in the production process;

3) reduction of harmful emissions during the transport of goods;

4) reduction of waste generated in the production of bicycle stands made of bent pipes;

5) increasing the involvement of the company and its associates in environmental issues through the implementation of environmental standards;

6) reinforcing the company’s competitive position on the market by creating a positive image of the company among its stakeholders.
Total expenditure for the project: 120 000 zł.

Grant amount: 84 000 zł.

Own contribution: 36 000 zł.



Project co-financed by Switzerland under the Swiss program of cooperation with the new EU member states.